Each week you make shifts in your mindset so that after two months, you’ve made one big, seismic shift for sustainable health.

8 week group coaching program

JOIN The waitlist

Each week you will be guided through a different mindset shift that will help you understand yourself and your roadblocks on a deeper level. After Seismic Shift, you will find it easier to be consistent because you will have the mindset needed for sustainability and the tools needed to remove any new mindset blocks that pop up in the future. 

Through Seismic Shift, you will begin taking action on your health goals and getting to the root of why you haven’t been consistent in the past. 

join the waitlist

Set Your Goals: During the first week of the program, you will be guided through the process of building your own achievable goals. Together we will determine what your health goals should be, what obstacles stand in your way of you achieving those goals, and create a plan for you to begin working towards them.

Week 1

What are you learning?

Reframe Your Failure: Too often we allow our past failures to stand in the way of us reaching our future. During this second week, you will come to understand what failures you are holding on to that are keeping you stuck where you are and then release those failures and fears so that you can move past them. 

Week 2

Get Off The Rollercoaster and Be Intentional:  “A habit is a routine behavior that is repeated regularly and occurs subconsciously.” Habits control everything we do and while sometimes this is a great thing, other times it can make it very challenging for us to reach our goals. During week three, you will learn how to get off of the habit rollercoaster and become very intentional with the choices you are making so that you can reach your goals much faster. 

Week 3

Identify and Remove Limiting Beliefs: This is exactly as it sounds. We all hold onto beliefs about who we are and what abilities we have. Those beliefs are often formed in our subconscious mind during the first seven years of our lives and now run on autopilot in the background of our daily thoughts and actions. This is a crucial week because during this week, we are going to get clear on what beliefs you are holding on to about your ability and begin to peel back the layers on it so that you can remove it from your life. 

Week 4

Embody Your Future Self: Before you can embody her, you must understand her. What are her thoughts? Her feelings? What things does she do or not do? During week five, you are going to do an activity to dig into who your future self is and then together we will practice embodying that version of you. 

Week 5

Listen To and Trust Your Intuition: We all have a voice within us that knows what’s best for us. How much more we should eat, when we should stand up for ourselves, when we need a gentle walk outdoors vs a high intensity interval workout… but so often we ignore that voice. And for many of us, we’ve ignored it for so long that we don’t even hear it anymore. During this week, you will practice listening to your intuition and then honoring what it tells you to do (which is honestly the hardest part).

Week 6

Release Restriction and Embrace Abundance : Years of dieting has taught you that you should give up certain foods and remove your favorite things from your life so that you can “be healthy.” Unfortunately all that’s done is made you feel guilty and weak for not being able to stick to the harsh dieting rules (which are all different depending on the diet you do). During this week, you will shift your mindset away from the restriction and into the abundance. Healthy can be fun and it can be easy! This is the week when you’ll make that shift for yourself.

Week 7

Create Your Personal Consistency Plan:  By this point you will have an entire tool box full of amazing resources and activities to help you continue working towards your goals and building the future you’ve always dreamed of. At our last session, you will build a personal plan for how you will use the progress you’ve already made to keep taking steps towards achieving your current goals and any others you develop in the future. 

Week 8

The full deets: 

  • There are 12 total sessions
  • 8 weekly coaching sessions covering the topics listed above
  • 3 live Q&A sessions where anything goes
  • 1 live EFT Tapping session with guest coach, Katie Tairych

Seismic Shift is a 2 month (8 week) group coaching program

  • 3 payments of $197
  • 1 payment of $548

There are two payment options to join:

  • Each member will receive a workbook and journaling guide when they sign up so that all of the work we do is kept in one place. 

The Spring 2024 round of Seismic Shift begins on April 8th

  • 3 Live Q&A where you are able to ask any questions you need answered in order to make progress in your health journey. 
  • 1 live EFT Tapping session with Katie Tairych where she guides you through ending your cycle of cravings and binge eating.

There are 4 bonus calls within the program

Choose Your Payment:

3 payments of $197

payment plan

1 payment of $548

pay in full

Guest Coach: Katie Tairych

Mindset coach, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Katie Tairych, will guide you through an EFT Tapping session so that you can uncover the root cause of your cravings and binge eating. After this session, you will feel more in control around food and the choices that you make. 

Meet Laura

I spent most of my life dreaming of looking a certain way. I thought, “If I could just lose my belly, have a smaller chest, and finally have legs that don’t rub together when I walk, I’ll be happy.” I had no idea that even if I did achieve those things, I wouldn’t actually be happy. 

I was trying to change my physical body by eating less food, exercising more often, carrying around a gallon sized water bottle… but what needed to change wasn’t just my physical body. I had to change my mindset. I had to change how I looked at myself, how I spoke to the person looking back at me in the mirror, and how I viewed healthy living. 

This program combines everything that I did to change my mindset. All of the tiny mindset shifts that I made that helped me transform not just my physical body, but the person living inside of it. 

Through this program, you will learn how to set goals that feel good for you and how to actually achieve them. You’ll learn how to connect with your intuition, how to stop self sabotaging, how to begin speaking to yourself in a loving way, how to be intentional with your actions, and so much more. 

There’s a version of you that has everything you’ve been dreaming of. All you have to do is decide it’s time to step into that reality. Seismic Shift helps you do exactly that. 

I’ll see you inside!

Why I created Seismic Shift

The reason you can’t make it stick has nothing to do with your ability or your willpower. It’s about your mindset. If you’re ready to take control of your health and finally begin living the life of freedom and joy that you have dreamed of, Seismic Shift is the way to make that happen. Each week we will make tiny shifts in your mindset so that by the end of the program, you’ve made one big, seismic shift!

This program is for you if you have tried to make changes to your lifestyle in the past and it never seems to stick.

open again in the fall!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our first call of the Spring round will be April 8, 2024

There are 12 live zoom calls in Seismic Shift. Each call will be recorded and available to you if you’re unable to make it live. The calls will last around an hour and be in the evening. You will get a detailed schedule of call times upon signing up but if you have concerns over being able to make it, please reach out and let’s talk it through! 

Your health is without a doubt about the foods you eat, how often you move your body, and the amount of water you drink. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Your health is about your mental, emotional, and spiritual health as well. It’s about consistency and being able to stick to healthy habits for years to come. That’s where Seismic Shift comes into play. This program is designed to help you build goals around your food, exercise, and hydration, and then shift your mindset so that you actually achieve your goals and stick to them long term. 

Yes! There are only 10 spots available in this group. The beauty of a group program is that you have the support of other people learning right alongside you, supporting you and helping you reach your goals. However, I am keeping this group small so that everyone gets the opportunity for individualized support from me. 

The first payment is due on the day you sign up. Your card on file will then be charged again on April 15, 2024 and a final time on May 13, 2024.

I’ve been able to change my mindset from the idea that some foods are “good” or “bad” to the idea that food is fuel for my body.

I don’t have to restrict myself from eating - I have learned to eat in an intentional way to fuel my body for success. Laura helped me shift my entire mindset around food. 


I did comparison photos of where I started vs where I am now and it is definitely keeping me motivated.

The biggest thing leading to my change is my mindset. I have felt so “bad” for so long and I knew nothing would change if I didn’t change my mindset. And still getting to eat my favorite things has helped me to stay on track because I’m not depriving myself from them. You have been a lifesaver, Laura! 


Through working with Laura, I’m now able to be super intentional about creating sustainable habits.

When I go to the grocery store I think about food differently, asking myself “will this make a healthy meal?” I learned that I can be better and that a lot of the obstacle was thinking that investing money and time into myself was not worth the time and effort and when I did show up for myself I was better for myself and others. I am able to make goals during busy seasons to think about my body, what I’m feeding myself/not feeding myself, so I can be the best version of myself. 


Working with Laura has made me feel more empowered in my decisions. I don't feel stressed or guilty when I do have to go off track. 

 I feel like I actually understand labels when I'm buying things in stores. I am more intentional with breakfast, understanding why I want/need more food (protein) during certain times of the month, and I am finding more ways to include veggies without feeling I HAVE to eliminate other things. The healthier choices feel more natural and habit-like than ever before.


Laura was amazing working with, I gained a coach and a true friend that always has your back.

After working with Laura for a couple months I felt like a whole new person when I was done. You think to yourself that you can do it on your own, and you probably can, but having that accountability and true friend have your back and also keep you accountable was the biggest help! Also the tools she provides is actually insane how helpful they are, I use them everyday and always think what small habits can I change today or what would my future self do? I promise you, she is worth working with! the very best.

Send it in

Not sure it’s right for you or have additional questions for Laura? Leave a note in the space below and she will get back to you within 24 hours!